Gambling Support Groups Scotland
In the 2016 Scottish Health Survey, 66% of adults had spent money on gambling activity in the 12 months prior to interview. This is a decrease compared to 2015 (68%) and 2012 (70%). Problem gambling is defined as ‘gambling to a degree which compromises, disrupts or damages family, personal or recreational pursuits.’. Join the support groups and forums in DailyStrength's free, anonymous online community to talk to friendly people facing the same challenges. We provide a lifeline of safe and caring support to families, friends and partners affected by someone else’s drug, alcohol or gambling problems. During this time of Covid-19, DrugFAM is continuing all of its support services by using online communications technology for its support groups, one-to-one consultations and conferences.
Being a compulsive gambler can harm your health and relationships, and leave you in serious debt.
If you have a problem with gambling and you'd like to stop, support and treatment is available.
Are you a problem gambler?

Try this questionnaire:
- Do you bet more than you can afford to lose?
- Do you need to gamble with larger amounts of money to get the same feeling?
- Have you tried to win back money you have lost (chasing losses)?
- Have you borrowed money or sold anything to get money to gamble?
- Have you wondered whether you have a problem with gambling?
- Has your gambling caused you any health problems, including feelings of stress or anxiety?
- Have other people criticised your betting or told you that you had a gambling problem (regardless of whether or not you thought it was true)?
- Has your gambling caused any financial problems for you or your household?
- Have you ever felt guilty about the way you gamble or what happens when you gamble?
- Support Groups Available. You can check our Support Groups Calendar showing all of the different types of groups we run and the times we run them. All you need to do to access a group is to hover over the group you want to attend at the correct time and click on the green 'join' button that appears when a group is open. Check all the support.
- HIV-AIDS Carers & Family Service Provider Scotland. Work throughout Scotland providing a range of practical and emotional services to carers, families, partners, friends and relatives who are affected or infected by HIV or AIDS. Helpline: 00 Out of Hours phone support (available 7pm – 10pm except public holidays).
Score 0 for each time you answer 'never'
Score 1 for each time you answer 'sometimes'
Score 2 for each time you answer 'most of the time'
Score 3 for each time you answer 'almost always'
If your total score is 8 or higher, you may be a problem gambler.
Help for problem gamblers
There's evidence that gambling can be successfully treated in the same way as other addictions. Cognitive behavioural therapy usually has the best results.
Treatment and support groups are available for people who want to stop gambling:
GamCareGamCare offers free information, support and counselling for problem gamblers in the UK.
It runs the National Gambling Helpline (0808 8020 133) and also offers face-to-face counselling.
National Problem Gambling Clinic If you live in England or Wales, are aged 13 or over and have complex problems related to gambling, you can refer yourself to this specialist NHS clinic for problem gamblers.

See if you meet the criteria for this service.
Gordon Moody Association The Gordon Moody Association offers residential courses for men and women who have problems with gambling – email or call 01384 241292 to find out more.
It also runs the Gambling Therapy website, which offers online support to problem gamblers and their friends and family.
Gamblers Anonymous UKGamblers Anonymous UK runs local support groups that use the same 12-step approach to recovery from addiction as Alcoholics Anonymous. There are also GamAnon support groups for friends and family.

Self-help tips for problem gamblers
- pay important bills, such as your mortgage, on payday before you gamble
- spend more time with family and friends who don't gamble
- deal with your debts rather than ignoring them – visit the National Debtline for tips
- view gambling as a way to make money – try to see it as entertainment instead
- bottle up your worries about your gambling – talk to someone
- take credit cards with you when you go gambling
For more self-help tips, see the Royal College of Psychiatrists website.
Gambling Addiction Support Groups Near Me
If you're affected by someone's gambling
If you're having problems because of another person's gambling, it's best to be honest with them about it. They need to know how their behaviour is affecting you.
Support is also available to people who are worried about someone else's gambling:
GamCare Gamcare offers support and information for partners, friends and family of people who gamble compulsively.
Local support groups for anyone affected by someone else's gambling problem – find your nearest group.
Gambling Addiction Support Group
Real stories of recovery from gambling
Gambling Support Groups Scotland County
Tell your own story and post messages of support in the GamCare recovery diaries forum.
Gambling Support Groups Scotland England
Page last reviewed: 31 December 2017
Next review due: 31 December 2020